Wednesday 8 April 2015

Why you need to contact me first!

As a local chap working in the property industry in my local markets it is easy to forget that for people who don't really know the local area, finding a property that provides a steady stream of income with minimum amount of stress can be a hard task and one could end up with a property or tenant that does nothing but cost them time, money and a lot of hassle. Some of you may be thinking "that is why you speak to the local estate agents", however they are employed by the seller to sell the property, not by people looking to buy. It is in there interest to sell the property and earn their commission, that's what matters to them, what doesn't matter is who buys it and whether or not it's the best property for them. 

Over the last week or two I have been dealing with investors on different ends of the spectrum. On one hand we have a gentleman from London who has in excess of one million to spend on several investments and on the other hand a couple from Cambridge that don't know Margate too well and want to be fairly cautious so are looking for a 1 bedroom apartment in the region of £80k. Even though they are looking at differing properties, ultimately the aim is the same. Both want a secure investment that will bring a constant stream of steady income with as little stress as possible.

This is where I can come in, with almost a decade of experience within the industry and in the local area with the knowledge that I have garnered, I can assist in the property search. I can tell you what to buy, where to buy it and what not to buy and where not to buy it! Why can you trust me over other agents? Quite simple. I don't sell property, my advice is free and completely impartial. What's the catch? There is none, hopefully we get on well and you would like me to find you a suitable tenant and manage the property eventually, but there is no obligation so if you want to then you can go elsewhere. 

So really you have nothing to lose by contacting me first before you go ahead with a purchase. You can even send me a link to the property you are interested in and I can let you know if it will be a decent investment choice. 

Come in for a chat. Teas and Coffees are on me! 

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